I am totally in awe of God and his creation in and through our little city farm. Today is the second day we received a teal egg from Elizabeth, our family chicken! We still have 3 more preteen hens that should also start laying sometime in June, but until then we have the lone hen.
Did you notice the size of her egg compared to the egg we get from the grocer? I sure did! Apparently we are in the pullet egg stage so as the hen matures so will the size of her eggs. In our research we also noted that hens can sometimes produce these eggs, but at the mature stage they are called "fart eggs." I apologize profusely to those of you that my kids will repetitively share this information with.
In other news, on April Fool's Day our 2 roosters started crowing. We were able to prank some friends before the roosters served their sole purpose of nourishing our family.
If was perfect timing as our friends had their windows open and were fully able to enjoy the melodious sounds of our farm from the comfort of their beds!:)
Shortly after they were carted over to another friend's home who helped us humanly slaughter and process them. This was a HUGE experience for the boys. I tenderly watched as one sweet boy shed a tear over his buddies and their fate while the other boy was more than happy to pluck feathers and prepare the bird for our dinner.
I was so pleased that our family was able to experience how God provides for us....he gives us dominion over the animals and the birds of the air, but they are ultimately HIS creation.
It was a dinner I don't think we will ever forget and I am sure they will think about the sacrifice made for future meals. As city dwellers we just think about going to the grocery or farmers market, but the animals have paid a price for us...they died for us. Everything, everything points us back to HIM.
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