Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Divinity in the Details

Divinity in the details was kinda a "fluke name" choice.  One of my friends, Tiffany, won the "name a blog" contest.  So I sat with this amazing blog name but not yet really sure what to do with it.  Fast forward and after chatting with sweet friends, they assured me that a blog chronicalling my move to the back woods, aka coutry living, would be fun to follow.

BUT....I just can't chronicle the move because life has a way of creeping in and reminding you that this life is not our own.  We were designed for way bigger things than we could ever even imagine.  So as I sit and watch Divinity in the Details of my life unfold I thought some were just way to good and to significant not to share.

"drum roll"

About a month ago a friend of Craig's invited us out to a friend's who runs a farm.  Not the go to market and sell your eggs kind farm but a hobby farm with 30 chickens, 5 goats, too many to count qauil, and the craziest fly paper I have ever laid eyes on.  Anyway, this is me "Betsy" and "Betsy their pet holding chicken."  Divinity in the details??!!  I learned so much from that 1/2 day visit.  I learned that my kids thrive in the open, they love animals and love learning about them and apparently so does everyone else who visits her hobby farm. My heart's desire is to have something on a smaller scale we can bless others with...but I lay that dream open to the creator.

Our house went on the market and in 24 hours we had 2 full price offeres.  It was crazy trying to decide who to give the house to, but the family with the turquoise couch won out. I figured they would really fit nicely into this home. In my defense, there was very few details to pick from as far as deifferences in the families.We had plans to head out to Dallas to visit family and be out of dodge as we tried to show the house.  The kids had their heart set on visiting family so we headed back to my childhood home.

This is the house I spent most of my formative years in.  Funny thing now is that there are very few reminders of that childhoood there.  My parents divorced 2 years ago and despite our urgings it was an ugly battle that left bitterness at every turn.  Our visit ended up being a pleasant visit but still saddens my heart for what I hoped for my kids to grow up in.

The really intersting thing is that the same neighborhhood I grew up in reminds me of the houses we are currently looking at...older, sometimes distressed, but have the potential to be great homes.

But, the houses in the neighborhood I grew up in are actually being torn down.  Not just remodeled but leveld and rebuilt upon. The land has more value than the structure on it.  So as with my family sometimes we have to be sripped down and rebuilt for a far grander purpose than we could even know how to ask for.  God can turn ashes to beauty but letting go of the expectations can sometimes be our hardest hurdle.

So as we plan to move out in 27 days, we have no premamnet home to move into, but we have amazing friends!

Friends that we choose to do life with... (End of the year tea party celebrating our daugthers and the amazing way God created each of them)

Friends that we want to raise our families with....(presentation day where the kids presented their talents as an offering to the lord)

Friends that make life fun and share each other's burdens... ( I did survive my first camping trip and the survial nutella was instrumental!)

Friends that want to raise biblical men and women. (our eldest earned his first pocket knife on a camping trip)

Friends that are letting us house sit while they are on vacation and crash at until we feel God's leading.  It is a faith walk but super fun to know God is into the details. Some things in life you just can't plan beause they are far better orchestrated by an all knowing infinate creator. Until then, I'm clinging to the one who clothes the birds of the air...and sinking my roots deep into his words...

I'm also gonna be trying to submit to my husband and allow him to lead us to the next adventure!


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