Monday, February 18, 2013

Artisan Bread in 5 minutes a day

In December we went to visit family and I was first introduced to this concept of pre-making bread dough that can last up to three weeks in the fridge.  It was super yummy and VERY budget friendly.  I saw the book though and it looked to wordy.  Again, my ADD sometimes overrules my desire to be all homegrown. Anyway, a couple months later a good friend mentioned that she too makes this for her family.  I boldly asked her to teach me and here go...easy peasy bread (4 pounds for $.75)....and again yummmmmmy!

instructions for olive bread we made into french boules and pizza dough

Here is a quick video with some helpful hints:

Super talented and ever so fun Amanda teaching me the basics!!:)

Ready to rise now....

So I kinda forgot to take a final "tada" picture, so it was an "in transit" photo but we had rave reviews on the bread!!

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