Sunday, February 17, 2013

DID Ranch??

So I told you all I had a crazy, insane, busy week...Right?  One of the things we did was check out some local listings on both land and homes.  It is going to be a HUGE change for us.  You see, typically you either get a big beautiful house OR land, not both and especially not both in our budget.  Actually, in our budget, we hope to find a functional house, or diamond in the rough as we like to say, with a great view.  Here is one that I would love to place on the contender list, but it is still priced pretty high and only 2 bedrooms...eeek...  Can you see the potential??
House on 5 acres, 1700 sq. feet but I mean super cool land and room to add on!

View from the porch...

This is my patience being tested I mean refined....;0 I somewhat hate waiting...just thought you might laugh at how I am growing through this process!:) I would be making an offer on something, anything really, but my husband is the stable one helping us make more logical and less emotional decisions!


  1. That house is beautiful, and 1700 sq feet is 100+ more square feet than I have. Of course, you have double the kids. :-)

  2. Seriously isn't it so fun?! The sq. ft is fine but 2 bedrooms and 6 people might be interesting, then again they can go claim their own pack of trees for personal space:). Who knows...I just know God has something really cool he will allow us to use and bless others with!
